Terms and Conditions of Stephanie Jackson Limited

These terms and conditions (“Terms”) apply to anyone using the Services of Stephanie Jackson Limited (“SJL”) and/or makes a booking for Services. No other terms and conditions shall apply, unless otherwise agreed in writing, in advance, with SJL. If you do not wish to agree to these Terms, please do not book any treatment with SJL.

SJL is committed to ensuring your personal information is protected. Data protection provisions (how we will protect and use your data), are also included in these Terms.

If you provide your consent to do so, SJL would love to stay in contact with you to provide you with exclusive offers and marketing information. You can update your data preferences at any time.


1. Parties

  1. By booking Services with SJL, you are entering into a contractual arrangement with SJL. The Terms below apply to and govern the agreement between you and SJL.

  2. References to we, us and our are all references to Stephanie Jackson Limited trading as ‘Stephanie Jackson’ and ‘Stephanie Jackson Brows’. References to your or your are references to you, the individual contracting with SJL under these Terms.

2. Definitions

2.1 “Advice Notes” mean the explanatory advice notes/email relating to the Services which are provided by us to you.

2.2 “Consent Form” means the document recording your informed consent to Treatment required by us and given by you before any Treatment commences.

2.3 “Deposit” means the non-refundable booking fee payable under Clause 3.1 before any Treatment commences.

2.4 “Follow Up Treatment” means the free of charge treatment which follows the Initial Treatment, provided that is attended a minimum of 8 weeks post Initial Treatment.

2.5 “Initial Consultation and Patch Test” means a 30 minute consultation and patch test, available before attending an Initial Treatment, which can be booked via the Website at your discretion. This is not mandatory.

2.6 “Initial Treatment” means the initial treatment and first application of Permanent Make Up.

2.7 “Price” means the current Price (inclusive of VAT) of any Treatment as advertised on the Website on the date when you book an appointment for Treatment and pay the Deposit via the booking system. Prices are subject to change and will be updated on the Website.

2.8 “Risks” means the risks inherent within the business of providing the Services including (but not to the exclusion of any others) the risk of allergic reaction to a Treatment; the risks of minor bruising, swelling, flaking, tenderness, dryness and corneal abrasion following Treatment, the risk that the colour of the Semi-Permanent Make Up after Treatment will not precisely match the pigmentation colour chosen by you before Treatment, or any issues arising out of your aftercare.

2.9 “Permanent Make Up” means both the process and result of permanent implantation of coloured pigmentation into skin for cosmetic purposes.

2.10 “Services” mean the eyebrow, eye lash and semi-permanent make up procedures and services (either collectively or individually) displayed on the Website from time to time.

2.11Treatment” is a reference to both the Initial and Follow-up Treatments.

2.12 “Unsuitable Medical Condition” is any medical condition which makes any Treatment unsuitable for you, whether such medical condition is expressly set out in the Consent Form or not.

2.13 “Website” means https://www.sjbrowslondon.com/

3. Booking Terms

3.1 Should you decide to use the Services of SJL you will be required to book both the Treatment and to pay the Deposit via the booking system.

3.2 We agree to carry out the Treatment upon full payment by you of the Price and provided you comply with these Terms.

3.3 You acknowledge that the Services are only available to those age 18 and over and no person under the age of 18 will be treated.

3.4 There is an option on the Website to book an Initial Consultation (which includes a patch test), should you wish to do so. The cost of the Initial Consultation is £50. Please book this if you wish to have a longer consultation and patch test before attending your Initial Treatment.

3.5 A 15 minute mini-consultation will be carried out immediately prior to your Initial Treatment commencing.

3.6 If you are pregnant then you cannot undergo Treatment under any circumstance. If you arrive for your Initial Treatment and are pregnant, your Initial Treatment will not be able to be carried out, for your own safety. This will incur loss of Deposit. You will have to book in at a later date, this notwithstanding, provided you are no longer pregnant, and, if you are breastfeeding you have been breastfeeding for 12 weeks or more, you will be able to have your Initial Treatment carried out.

3.7 In the event that you become pregnant between your Initial Treatment and your Follow up Treatment, the Follow-Up Treatment will not be carried out. You will be required to re-book at a later date, at least 12 weeks after giving birth. Your treatment will NOT be refunded under any circumstance. No discount for re-booked appointments will be provided, unless given at the complete discretion of SJL.

3.8 We accept that you may need to change your Initial Treatment date. On not less than 7 days’ notice prior to the date of your Initial Treatment you may, without charge, re-book your Initial Treatment provided the re-booked selected date is no greater than 3 months from the original Initial Treatment date.

SJL gives no guarantees that a new appointment time will be available should you cancel your Initial Treatment.

3.9 We may, at our sole discretion, refuse to agree to more than one re-booking request from you.

3.10 In the event you only attend your Initial Treatment, and elect to have a follow up or other secondary treatment with a third party, rather than attend your Follow Up Treatment with SJL (for any reason, including relocation), no refund of your Deposit shall be payable to you. In the event you elect to have a follow up treatment at a different clinic, SJL is under no liability to assist or carry out any additional treatments in the event you are dissatisfied with those results.


In the event of a no-show or failure to attend a scheduled appointment, the payment method on file will be charged the outstanding balance equivalent to the full cost of the scheduled treatment.

Late Cancellation

3.11 In the event you cancel your Initial Treatment within 7 days of the booked date of your Initial Treatment (“Late Cancellation”):

a) you will lose your Deposit in full. No refunds will be provided;

b) you forfeit your entitlement to the cost of Follow Up Treatment being incorporated within the Price.

3.12 If you cancel your booking for “Follow Up Treatment”, you will be required to pay an additional charge of £50 for any re-booked Follow Up Treatment you wish to book. All Follow-Up Treatments must be carried out within 8 weeks of the Initial Treatment so if a late cancellation incurs you must return within 4 weeks of the cancelled date. This is also dependant on the schedule of SJL and there is no guarantees that a new appointment time will be available should you cancel your Follow Up Treatment.


3.13 We always endeavour to keep to the appointment schedule. However, precise booking times may be subject to minor change.

3.14 Treatments may, for reasons out of our control, need to be cancelled. We will notify you as soon as possible in this event and rearrange your appointment for the nearest available and convenient date.

3.15 SJL shall not be liable for non-performance or delay of performance which is due to any cause beyond its reasonable control including (without limitation) inclement weather, fire, flood, industrial action, explosions, government regulations and orders.

3.16 We are under no obligation whatsoever to accept requests for Services which we (in our sole discretion) consider to be inappropriate or unsuitable for any reason.

3.17 If you have had any Permanent Makeup or Microblading carried out elsewhere previously, you will be required to send clear images of the areas affected to a nominated email address of SJL. SJL has the right to refuse to treat you if she does not consider it in your best interests and will inform you of this decision.

3.18 We are not liable for any of your travel costs to or from our clinic for any reason.

3.19 SJL may decline to carry out any Services if we consider any medical note or confirmation is required, and you are not able to produce it. This is for your own safety.

Additional treatments

3.20 If a third Eyebrow or Eyeliner treatment is required a £50 fee will be payable on the day of your appointment. This appointment must be carried out within 8-10 weeks of your Follow Up Treatment. Cost for a third Lip treatment is £75 and the same timeframe occurs.

3.21 If you have not followed the correct pre-procedure requirements given and this subsequently prevents the treatment from taking place then you will be liable to pay for the treatment in full even though it will not go ahead.

Covid 19

3.22 SJL is not liable for any cancellations made due to Covid 19. It is your responsibility to ensure your booking does not coincide with the period following your Covid-19 vaccination, as you may feel unwell. You accept that the Deposit is non-refundable and non-transferable if cancelled within 7 days of the Treatment date.

3.23 If you cancel your appointments due to a positive Covid-19 test more than 7 days prior to the relevant appointment, we will postpone your Treatment to a new appointment slot if one is available. You may be provided to show evidence of the positive Covid 19 test result. If you cancel within the 7 days cancellation period due to Covid-19 loss of deposit will occur and you will be required to re book a new appointment via the booking system.

4. Payment

4.1 The Deposit is payable via the booking system. This will secure the Initial Treatment. The remaining part of the Price is payable on the day of the Initial Treatment and includes the cost of the Follow-Up Treatment.

4.2 We will accept a payment of the Price for the Services via bank transfer and/or cash and/or debit card and/or (for a 3% surcharge) credit card (Visa and Mastercard only). We will not accept cheques. We do not accept payment by American Express (AMEX).

4.3 If payment is not made in accordance with the earlier provisions of this clause, then we reserve the right to cancel the booking for your Treatment without penalty and to retain the Deposit.

4.4 The Deposit will be set off against the total Price of the Services.

5. Risk and Non-Denigration

5.1 We agree to provide the Services using the standard of care to be reasonably expected of a commercial provider of the Services and to comply fully with all applicable legal regulations within the United Kingdom.

5.2 SJL will comply with all relevant health and safety legislation and applicable law.

5.3 Whilst SJL endeavours to provide a Service you will be happy with, the specific results from each Treatment differ per client, dependent upon skin type, lifestyle and aftercare. Whilst SJL always endeavours to do so, we cannot guarantee a result that you will be satisfied with and we have no liability for any results which do not match those expected. By making a booking and attending the Treatment you acknowledge that SJL is not responsible for any disappointment you may feel in your results. Any Permanent Make Up procedure comes with inherent risks. Dissatisfaction with your results does not give rise to a right to publish defamatory or denigratory comments online (or on any other forum) regarding your Treatment, SJL or its staff, and you acknowledge that SJL will take necessary steps to protect its reputation and staff from any such publication.

5.4 You accept and agree:

a) Neither SJL nor any member of its staff is qualified to give you medical advice and none shall be given in the course of providing the Services;

b) SJL is entitled to rely without further enquiry on the consent to Treatment given by you in the Consent Form;

c) That as an adult (over 18 years old) the decision to have Treatment has been made by you alone;

d) Without SJL seeking to exclude liability for personal injury or death due to our negligence, that you will accept the result of your Treatment and/or Follow Up Treatment without any legal recourse to us on the understanding that you will pre-approve both the shape and colouring of the Semi-Permanent Make Up at the beginning of your Treatment;

e) That you will read and follow the recommendations made within the Advice Notes;

f) That certain factors beyond our control (including your own specific skin characteristics) create Risks which you understand and for which you acknowledge that we have no liability (other than death or personal injury arising out of our negligence);

g) That there are everyday risks of post-treatment infection which are beyond our control and for which you acknowledge that we have no liability;

h) That you have decided (with appropriate advice from your General Practitioner to the extent appropriate) that you do not suffer from an Unsuitable Medical Condition;

i) That to the extent (notwithstanding the terms of this clause and your acceptance of the Risks) you wish to make a complaint which relates in any way (whether directly or indirectly) to our provision of the Services, then you will make such complaints strictly in compliance with clause 8;

j) That in very rare cases, the pigment will not hold due to skin type. Although we will endeavour to work with best practise, we cannot be held responsible for low or no pigment uptake; and

k) That some skin types may not retain the ‘crispness’ of the pigmented hair stroke and others (although rare) may not retain the hair stroke at all as it can blur over time.

6. Liability

6.1 If you breach any of these Terms (save for clause 8.1(b)) then your maximum liability to us will be any unpaid balance of the Price for our Services.

6.2 If you breach clause 8.1(b) and publish (or cause to be published) any denigratory and/or defamatory statements or confidential information about SJL or any member of staff or officer of the company to any third party (whether through the use of social media, online forums or otherwise (including but not limited to Google reviews or Facebook or other blog or review forum) then we reserve the right to take such action as we deem necessary to protect our reputation and that of our staff, including where necessary to claim damages against you in defamation and/or breach of confidence proceedings before the Court and to seek an injunction to prevent the same.

6.3 Although SJL will exercise reasonable care and take reasonable precaution you agree to indemnify and hold harmless SJL from and against all claims made in respect of personal injury (including injury, illness or disease resulting in death) and/or loss of or damage to any property other than to the extent such loss, damage or injury is due to, or directly arises from the negligence of SJL, its employees or contractors acting in the performance of their duties, or fraudulent misrepresentation by SJL. Nothing in these Terms seeks to exclude liability for death or personal injury arising out of negligence.

6.4 If we breach these Terms then our maximum liability to you will be the Price (or any part of it) paid by you for the Services and it shall not extend further to any other consequential losses whatsoever which you have (or claim to have) suffered as a result of our breach. Whether for breach of this agreement or in tort, SJL shall not be liable for any consequential or indirect loss.

7. Data Protection & Confidentiality

7.1 We agree to keep your personal data strictly in accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (“GDPR”). Personal data is defined by the GDPR as ‘any information relating to an identifiable person who can be directly or indirectly identified by reference to an identifier’.

7.2 A medical form will be filled out on the day of your appointment, and we will ask you to provide your consent to our retaining those details. These details will be saved under your client file. Full information regarding how we use your data will be provided alongside these terms and conditions.

7.3 Information collected will be used solely for the purposes of providing background information when contacting you or to deliver the Services. We will hold your data for as long as we feel there is a legitimate interest to both parties which, unless otherwise agreed in writing, is 12 months. You may request that we delete your data at any time.

7.4 Stephanie Jackson is our designated ‘Appointed Contact Person’, any questions can be directed to info@sjbrowslondon.com

7.5 You agree to keep any dispute or complaints which arise between us strictly confidential between ourselves and our respective legal advisors and any mediator appointed under clause 8.1.2

8. Dispute Resolution

8.1 If you wish to make a complaint about SJL relating to our provision of the Services then you agree:

a) to put your complaint in writing to Stephanie Jackson, using email address info@sjbrowslondon.com and work with SJL to find a mutually agreeable outcome to the issue; and

b) Not to publish (or cause the publication of) your complaint any more widely whether orally to third persons, in writing to third persons or to the world at large through the internet, and to keep confidential any dispute between us.

8.2 We will investigate your complaint and give our considered response to it within 21 days of your complaint being received.

8.3 If you accept any settlement outcome offered by us in our response to your complaint, then that settlement outcome will be implemented in full and final settlement and the terms of settlement shall remain private and confidential between the parties (or any legal advisors if applicable).

8.4 If you are unhappy with our response to your complaint then you may refer your complaint to the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (“CEDR”) for the appointment by CEDR of an independent mediator to seek resolution through mediation.

8.5 Only if a formal mediation arranged by CEDR under clause 8.4 fails to resolve your complaint can you issue proceedings with a competent Court (and in such a case the English Courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction to determine your claim).

8.6 Any dispute shall be governed by the laws of England.

8.7 For the avoidance of any doubt, your obligation at clause 8.1.2 shall be an ongoing obligation until (but not beyond) the delivery of a final judgment in open court on any legal claim which you commence in accordance with the provisions of this clause.

9. Miscellaneous

9.1 These Terms shall survive any sale by us of our business but otherwise they shall not be capable of assignment without the written consent of both parties.

9.2 Wherever within these Terms reference is made to “notice” or “notification” then such notice must be given by you in writing to us at the email address info@sjbrowslondon.com and notices to you will be delivered via email to your last known email address (or alternatively by post to your last known postal address).

9.3 Our failure to enforce the strict performance of any of the provisions herein or to take advantage of any of our rights hereunder shall not be construed as a waiver or relinquishment of any such rights which shall continue to have full force and effect

9.4 These Terms are governed by the laws of England and, subject strictly to the provisions of clause 8 in relation to complaints made by you, the English Courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction to determine disputes arising hereunder.